Sunday, December 05, 2004

countdown to house cleaning: 6 days!!!

I can't wait for the semester to end. My dissertation data will be collected, my "just-for-fun" doctoral seminar will be over, and my home can regain some organization and cleanliness. Hugsband is over-worked too. He usually picks up the pieces when I am too frenzied to sweep the floor and wipe off the coffee-stained counters. Not lately. He needs a vacation. Yesterday I asked him to put away a tarp that was on the backporch. I found him 10 minutes later in the parking lot playing with his mini yo-yo. He was narrating his moves too. "I call this one the Dups-ya!!!"

You two might be overworked but you've accomplished so much this semester. I'm totally inspired to get my butt moving on the dissertation by your efforts!
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