Friday, February 25, 2005

I got one and further ranting about collegiate footwear

for what it's worth- I have an internship. I received the official e-mail at 7:30 this morning. I expect to know some specifics by 7:30 on Monday, though it may be later in the morning before I have any answers.

it snowed yesterday, and the temperature hovered around freezing this morning. and yet, on my way to work, I saw more than one undergrad wearing flip flops. one especially bright young woman wore hers with those rockabilly-looking jeans with an enormous cuff that end up the length of capris (you know the ones that you usually see with knee high boots?). it was a summer outfit. I am as ready for spring and all its warmth as the next person, but come on! why is it that the very same people who wear those hideous, furry tundra ugg boots are in flip flops the next day? does frat party beer render a young woman impervious to the elements?

oooh! where is the internship at?! not on email on monday but will check tuesday to find out where you're going... and where i'm visiting on my next holiday!
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