Tuesday, March 22, 2005

jumble du jour

* Hugsband told me that he was going to clean out his junk drawer and disappeared into our home office. when I entered the room a few minutes later, he was standing naked in the bathtub of the adjoining bathroom doing something I told him that I wouldn't share. it was less embarrassing than you're probably thinking (and not even dirty!).

* my mom paraded me around her office last week, and most of her co-workers gushed about how alike we are. now I take more joy than I probably should in our differences. for example, I love blue cheeses and cantaloupe. she hates both. see?

* the fire alarm sounded at work today. probably, some hung-over undergrad pulled it to create an excuse for being late to class. I made up a joke related to the experience: how many PhD's does it take to decide whether it's safe to reenter a building after fire trucks leave? more than 30, apparently.

* my hairdresser called today and asked if I want to model for her at a hair show next week. free color AND a chance to relive my hairstyle guinea pig heyday of the mid-90's. hell yes I will!

what about my joke about drunken undergrads?
if a hospital has an alcohol poisoning ward, they should call it the fraternity ward.
i'm laughing right now as i write this and i made this stuff up!
Hooray! I was just telling a friend about your hair guinea pig days!
I'm so jealous!! This is what I get for being a square with regards to hair color! Have fun and please take pictures.

The fire alarm thing is funny too. That happened in the Ed. building. However, instead of everyone waiting to go in, they were trying to go in while the alarm was still sounding.
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