Monday, April 04, 2005

a brief test- whose memory is it, mine or Hugsband's?

1. the movie that the guy in the commercial was in.
2. what each of the eight people at the table ate the last time we went to our favorite Indian place.
3. Leroy's parent's phone number, undialed for the last 10 years.
4. the true name of that famous freak from the sideshow.
5. the cost of the most expensive badger shaving brush at Saks.
6. which tv channel corresponds to which network.
7. the name, diet, and breeding habits of that rare snake.
8. which color clothes hamper liner is for whites and which goes with darks.
9. which placement (left or right) hamper liner is for whites and which is for darks.

go ahead, give it a whirl.

j: 1,4,5,6,7,9
r: 2,3,8

8/9. that's pretty good. Hugsband got a perfect. that's how I know it's a valid measure.
Steve thought: Not sure which is which, but I'd say 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 are all the same person - Rachel?

and he's only met you briefly!
that's scary. he's only one off from perfect. I never remember which position the clothes hamper goes in, but I always remember the color. you must talk about me all the time!
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