Monday, April 11, 2005

what happened to Int'l Male?

Originally uploaded by loftindupuis.
for better or worse (just worse, actually), the International Male catalog has been part of my life since I was about 15. my mom's roommate had copies in his bathroom when I was in high school. no doubt these served the same function as Victoria's Secret catalogs do for yucky kinds of men who can't be my friends.

when we lived in L.A., I drove past an actual IM store on a near-daily basis. and for a holiday party, our friend Bill ordered a IM complete outfit, replete with leather choker, ruffled shirt and faux leather pants. when we moved to bloomington, where one should quite easily escape the grasp of the far-reaching catalog, I began to get a subscription in my own name! it started when I ordered a belt for Hugsband on amazon, not realizing that the company at which I made the actual purchase was UnderGear, an IM subsidiary. Now we get the IM catalog and its slutty cousin, UnderGear, at least twice a month.

I am disappointed to see that IM is turning into a catalog for the elderly. or, perhaps, its clientele is just aging. at any rate, it's chock-full of pastel pantsuits. it resembles nothing more than a catalog of unfashionable resort attire for women of a certain age. certainly, the giggle-inducing package enhancing briefs, as well as the butt padding girdles, are still available. who wants to flip through the AARP crap to get to them?

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