Friday, May 13, 2005

Originally uploaded by loftindupuis.
this picture was taken before they said, "Congratulations, Dr. Rachel." the questions were fun to answer. it was like being the sole guest on a talk show and taking questions from the audience but the audience was comprised of people with Ph.D.'s who just read my 100+ page paper and actually remembered all of the details and wanted to ask a lot of questions about it. I would watch that show for real.

um, maybe I didn't want my entire name posted on my website so that the psychos who become obsessed with the cleavage that got my dissertation approved don't track me down.
duh. i just deleted it. anyway, congratulations!
Yes, noticed you were looking tres glam!

Well done, Dr Rachel!
Wait, wait, wait, I'm a little behind. I was under the impression that you lived in LA, and since that has been true you have gone to Bloomington and successfully defended a PhD dissertation and are now moving to yet another place altogether? Okay, caught up. Congratulations! Death to the Corpulent Woman, viva mia voca sonorosa. Fondue forks for everybody.
PhD in what? I'm not willing to pour through the archives for my answers.
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