Sunday, August 07, 2005

Lieberman's a sell-out

we went to the peabody museum of natural history today, which was awesome. some of the exhibits are described with actual letters stuck to felt board and seem unchanged since the museum opened in 1050A.D. it was creepy and fun. the skulls of the early humans are the scariest. I am going to have nightmares about Lucy tonight.

Hugsband and I also went on our regular bike route today: down alston ave to try and figure out which house belongs to Joe Lieberman, over to Yale's stables to pet the horses, and through Edgewood Park to visit the wild parrots. however, we didn't make it to the parrots. at the lake, where we stopped to look at the geese, Hugsband spotted a cygnet flapping around excitedly without actually going anywhere. it appeared to be caught. he rushed into action and pushed past some oh-no-what-should-we-do types. by the time Hugsband made it to the bird, it was lying limp in the water. he waded in, grabbed it, and worked the fishing line out of its bill, with angry swan parents hissing at his back all the while. by the time we left, the cygnet was swimming with his/her siblings and seemed healthy.

back at home, Abe told us about sleeping with pigs and sheep in a barn for 2 years when he was in the underground. every night he slept with a gun between his knees. he also told us that Lieberman lives in the last house on the right (that's what I guessed!!), and he's selling his place for $400,000 more than he originally paid for it. Abe congratulated Hugsband on his new car by saying, "good luck with your new car, sir. how much did you pay for it?" and shaking his hand. Hugsband bought a new car.

those horses at the stables don't like to be pet anyway. I think they're stuck up polo horses, since the polo grounds are right there. Hugsband thinks they're too raggedy to be polo horses, but honestly, what do either of us know about polo?

why don't you draw a comic about it? oh, that's right, you never draw comics anymore. i guess now that you're at y-a-l-e you don't stoop to that level.
that was part of the contract when I joined skull & bones- no more drawing.
Skull and Bones
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