Saturday, August 13, 2005

something odd has been happening at chez Abe. at night when I go to turn on the sprinklers in the backyard, they are already on. it happed each night for the last 3. now, it's freaky enough to be alone in a town where the only 3 people I know are my coworkers, but this lawn thing is pushing me over the edge. I need to set a boody twap and catch the culprit. I suspected the 3rd floor tenant, but the sprinklers are sometimes on when his car is not here. and he doesn't seem to be part of Abe's forced labor corps.

all 3 of my coworkers/compulsory friends were otherwise engaged today, or so they told me, so I was left to my own devices to occupy myself on a Hugsband-free weekend day. I went to a tern seminar sponsored by the new haven bird club. terns are like cooler gulls. I spent 2 hours watching shorebirds with smart, socially awkward people. I felt like I should have been paid at the end of it. I saw some interesting birds. however, I decided that I enjoy the gestalt of the experience and not the compulsive, rigid labeling of everything with wings. it gets pretty tedious. don't tell the new haven bird club I said that. I don't want to burn any bridges in case one of my coworker friends doesn't pan out.

I remember trying to dig traps in the woods in kankakee as a kid, the kind of trap that's basically a hole covered in leaves and sticks. I don't think I should dig a man-sized hole in Abe's backyard, but the trap that suspends the captured person from his foot in a tree is entirely possible. we have the perfect tree for it.

hugsband's missing of wifey is substantial. their impending reunion is much anticipated by all.
I miss you both :-(

In honor of your bird brainwashing, I've decided to register for Birding for Beginners at the Houston Audobon Society. We'll go on monthly field trips around this part of the state and focus on a different bird each month.
I am so jealous! you're going to learn a lot about birds. when we come to TX, you'll have to teach me!
Sorry you're lonesome! Me and S are going to visit the hawk conservatory in the New Forest this weekend... I'll pet a hawk for you!
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