Monday, September 12, 2005

on our bike ride tonight, we saw at least 40 nighthawks soaring over Yale's practice fields. we used to see their outlines and hear them in the dark in bloomington, but this evening it was still light out. yet another tactic to get Hugsband out of the house!

i knew those birds were a trick to get me out of the house!
yes, it was a very elaborate set up. I had to wrangle more than 40 nocturnal birds during daylight hours, but at least you put down your chocolate and pushed pause on the dvd player long enough to step outdoors.
Hawks? Were they makin' laz-ee circles in the sky-y-y-y-y?

Maybe they were buzzards. I hear the Yale Bulldogs didn't do so well...

what? yale has sports teams?
Of course Yale has sports teams. You didn't think that whole Harvard-Yale rivalry was solely an academic one, did you? The Dogs host the Crimson in THE GAME on Nov. 19. BE THERE!!!
Thanks, Jake. I was kidding. of course I know about Yale football. Mr. Burns wore a fur coat and carried a pennant to the game! Yale Bowl, where the games are played, is a short walk from my house. I still can't say I will be there for any actual sports (perish the thought)... But we did walk past a Yale soccer game last night.
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