Sunday, December 18, 2005

Originally uploaded by loftindupuis.
Hugsband is reading Stephen Hawking again and keeps saying things to me like "do you want to hear something that will totally blow your mind? the universe is expanding 5-10% every billion years. now here's the wacky part: that's 5-10% of infinity!!" thoughts like that give me a headache.

Tracy and I went into manhattan yesterday and ate chocolate and did not talk much about the universe, though she did tell me about her interesting, independently developed religious beliefs. that was kind of mind blowing. her beliefs are an interesting cross of gnosticism and some book she read that may or may not be entirely fictional. she wasn't sure. nevertheless, her beliefs were thoughtful and well reconciled with science. also, we had red and white sangria in a tapas restaurant.

Hugsband spent 3 hours playing ping-pong while I was gone. he and a friend are planning to join a table tennis league and are looking into special gear, like table tennis shoes. I am not even making that up.

Was the possibily fictional text titled? "A Course of Miracles"?

The table tennis league sounds like a hoot but what special gear does he need? A cup? Mouth guard?

Merry almost Christmas!
a cup for ping-pong! now there's something that hadn't occurred to me.
that is NOT funny! as with any real sport, a male MUST protect his valuable biological assets with a 1/8 inch thick plastic shield hung from an elastic band secured firmly (yet not too firmly) around his waist. a mouth guard would just be silly.
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