Wednesday, February 01, 2006

science fair b.s. is ruling Hugsband's life these days. there's a lot of drama surrounding a middle school science fair, especially for the teacher who is responsible for selecting the students who proceed to the city-wide fair. you wouldn't believe the name-calling, back-stabbing, and general funny stuff that goes on. the jerk at the district office can't keep her administrative nose out of Hugsband's teacherly business. all I remember about my junior high science fair is loaning my cousin Joel's far side book to a cute 7th grader who now lives in my house and leaves his disgusting shoulder hairs all over. I mean really! how do they even get into the fridge?

if this were a rorschach, I would get a special score for the preceding paragraph. it's true, though.

I remember being in OM for one year and feeling scared to death of the parents and teachers of other contestants. We were just trying to be all scientific! They were being all being psycho.

P.S. Shoulder hairs in the fridge is gross dude. :-)
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