Sunday, February 12, 2006

we're snowed in today. there are huge drifts everywhere, causing Hugsband's tiny sporty car to look like a giant white station wagon. since we're trapped indoors, I have had an excessive amount time to think about my life. after hours of careful consideration, I realized that I am not living up to my full potential. I need a change in environment, I need to make a real difference in the world. my heart's cockles are not sufficiently warmed by working with babies with disabilities. very soon, I will abandon my current crummy career path and pursue the worthy cause of full-time baby wood duck rescuing.

don't tell my boss yet, though. I need to play it cool until I get a letter of rec.

LOL. That was a laugh riot.
What a cute picture!

You remind me of my attitude after I watched Grizzly Man on the Discovery Channel during a raining weekend. I felt like I needed to go camping for a season with bears and foxes. Fox. What is the plural of fox?
isn't grizzly man the timonthy treadwell movie, the one where he is MAULED TO DEATH by a bear? I agree that the baby fox friendship is appealing, but...
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