Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I just realized that in 'the secret of n.i.m.h.' the letters refer to the same agency that provides lots of funding to people at work. in fact, n.i.m.h. has paid my bills in the past. somewhere in my building, there are even rats. rats who are trying to learn to be autistic so the bad n.i.m.h.-funded dudes can take out their brains and see how they work. on a related note, if someone in the autism clinic talks to you about d.m.r., don't assume that they mean dexy's midnight runners because the department of mental retardation comes up a lot in conversation over there. also, if you search dexy's midnight runner in google without the apostrophe or the 's' at the end of runners, the first thing that comes up was written by Chris Clark, I surmise.

I surmise that you surmise that based on the URL. Your surmisition is correct.

When I originally created that website, Tripod had no popups or crazy ads screwing up the page layout. I haven't looked at it in almost three years so was a little surprised to see how bad it looks. And I didn't really write the copy, I just plagerized it, changing some of it around.

Recently, a guy started a new Dexys website and slammed my site for not being a "complete" discography. Really it is just the records that I personally own.
http://www.dexys-midnight-runners.net/ half of his pages don't even load, so He should keep his fat mouth shut.


Sorry I haven't talked to you guys for a while, I've been in a funk.
thanks for taking the d.m.r. bait. we've missed you.

that cover is great. is it braid?
Just Nanna.

And now I want to reread the Rats of Nimh.
It would be cool if there was some type of scandal within NIMH. That way we could write a tell-all book about the scandal titled "The Secrets of NIMH" and make millions.
there has to be some scandal, it's a goverment agency! we just have to figure out how to uncover it. why don't you apply for a job there and work it from the inside?
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