Wednesday, August 16, 2006

here's a fruit of Hugsband's summer labor. one plankton. plankti? apparently, they're called zooplankton to distinguish them, as animals, from the other kind of plankton that are categorized as plants. annoyingly, the first syllable of "zooplankton" is not pronounced the same way as the place where animals are displayed in captivity, which is how I tend to say it. rather, it's pronounced "zooh-plankton". I think that sounds way dumber. what the heck is a "zooh"? Hugsband says sometimes you can see what they have been eating, and usually it's something orange. I can't believe that some people look at these things for a living. I prefer to operate on the macro level.

we spent a wonderful, tiring long weekend in northern california and enjoyed seeing many friends. the food, scenery, weather, and birds were amazing. I forgot how great the left coast can be.

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