Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hugsband is sick and keeps annoying me with his throat clearing noises. I do worry a little that I infected him and somehow the cow feces is in his lungs. I did something strange and out of character last night. despite FDA warnings and my well-developed case of hypochondriosis, I served bagged baby spinach for dinner. I did cook it, though. I made a delicious take on welsh rarebit, with the baby spinach and some mushrooms incorporated into the cheddar sauce. the thought of that yummy, velvety sauce may be responsible for my willingness to eat the possibly contaminated veggie. cheese sauces, from a taco bell nacho to a pretentious froth of manchego, are my downfall. when I finish here, I will check on the medical research literature to see if e coli ever causes cold symptoms in whiny boys.

I started the job search process, in preparation for the end of my postdoc next june. once I edited the bejesus out of cv, my mentor started emailing it to "the big wigs" in chicago. there are exactly 2 big wigs in chicago, according to my mentor. he thinks that they will either (a) offer me a job, or (b) know of someone who will be very happy to offer me a job. thus, I will skip the entire process of responding to posted job openings. we're trying really hard to find something in chicago, to the extent that I am ignoring other parts of the country- even bloomington! in all, it's very scary to limit my options and leave the process in someone else's hands for the time being. but, I can't imagine more capable and well-connected hands to leave it in. at this point, too, I don't want to imagine living anywhere besides chicago. I never thought I would be so eager to forsake both the east and west coasts and be eager to get back to the middle!

Hopefully you're alive to read this after having the tainted spinach.

Even though I'm not a midwest native, I understand your desire to be back there. I'm comfortable in Colorado and happy with my job but have this nagging thought that I'd like to be back there. Maybe we'll be sort of neighbors again in the future?

I'm certain you'll do wonderfully on the job search, Rachel. You're a superstar and those Chicago big wigs would be fools not to find something for you.


does the US really have 'big wigs'?
isn't that a british thing?
anyway, i haven't been experiencing very many chest cold-type symptoms so maybe the cow feces is in my sinuses.
i hope i'll be able to sleep ok tonight.
it will be the first night in a couple of days that i haven't taken nyquil before bed.
you take good care of me even when i'm sick and rambling...
I'm sick with a cold myself. I ate no spinach, but I still whine a lot.

I don't want to imagine living anywhere besides Chicago either. Unless Kankakee gets some more jobs/better restaurants. Since that will never happen, I'm glad to be here. And I'm glad you want to come, too. I'm sure you'll get hired fast. Won't you change the name of the blog once that happens?
of course, Jakie Doodle. remember when it was called "bloomington '04"?
Hey pal, only my grandma calls me Jakie Doodle. And she's been dead for three years as of today.

I miss her.
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it was me, Jake, and I have been calling you that for nearly 25 years.
I would be happy to see the Dupuoftons in Chicago.
Sorry Rache. I didn't know that was you. Yes, you called me doodle, but I thought Gram invented the nickname. Maybe I was mistaken.
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