Saturday, September 30, 2006

usually going to the grocery store is a routine that both Hugsband and I participate in. we think about what we want to eat in the upcoming week, we make an ingredient list, we shop. but sometimes Hugsband goes to the grocery store without me, midweek. I get inordinately excited when that happens. when I shop for myself, I am typically good at avoiding temptations and sticking to the list, with fresh veggies and hard-to-find cheeses as exceptions. when Hugsband goes, on the other hand, I never know what we're going to get. (most often he picks up something chocolatey, whether that something makes it home and is shared with me is another matter.) that brings us to thursday night. when I came home from work, we ate the yummy dinner he made and then started thinking about dessert. I knew Hugsband had run by the store on the way home from school, and I hoped in my heart of hearts that he bought ice cream as a surprise. as I went to ask him, my excitement impaired my ability to generate speech, and I asked "did you get surprise cream?"

sadly, he didn't. and I haven't had surprise cream in almost a month, which is surely a record for me.

it was more like surprice cream.
you're so clever even when you're not trying to be!
Suprpice cream = Dairy Queen in my world.
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