Sunday, February 04, 2007

I have big news:

1- Maxine, our rescue bird, was not warming up to human compansionship and seemed very lonely, so we bought a new bird and named her Francine. (Hugsband calls her '$20 bird', which discriminates her from Max, who is known as 'free bird' since we didn't have to pay to catch her outside.) we purchased Francine 2 weeks ago, and it seemed like a huge mistake at first. the birds hated each other and fought all day. I felt really guilty for making free bird's life even more miserable. then, suddenly today, they started cuddling and chirping sweetly to each other. it's really, really cute.

2- my mom smashed her face on the el when the train braked without warning. her nose was broken, and she had to have surgery. she's back to work and sounds fine now.

3- remember when I went to france with that family and ended up on a nude beach in the riveria for 2 weeks, and there were genital piercings and other weirdness ? well, I just found out that last summer the father stabbed the mother and then shot the judge from their divorce trial sniper-style and then was on the lam in mexico. he was on america's most wanted. now he's in custody. how crazy is that?! I can't believe it.

4- oh, and I got the job I wanted in chicago.

Congratulations! Chicago will be excited to welcome you and your back.

YAY! That is really good news, R. Welcome back!

what does chicago know about your back?
thanks guys. I am very excited. I won't actually move until July, but the planning has begun!
I like the fact that he calls Max "Freebird." Anything named after what is arguably the greatest rock track ever is cool with me. Are they chirping "The Muppet Show" theme yet?

That crazy Dad must have snapped. Very creepy. It just proves that you can't ever really know everything about anybody.

I can't wait until you come home. That probably means you should change the URL. You haven't been rachelbloomington in years.

And yes, your Mom is doing OK.
1) Glad they're making the best of it
2) Glad your mum's better! That's terrible.
3) Even more terrible! They sounded so dodgy when you told me about them...
4) Congrats! Hurrah.
AW! And OH! And... WHOA! And YAY!

It's all been said. But I'm really glad you'll be coming to Chicago. When will that be, you think? You're so fortunate that you will have missed my whole "pleading for patients" phase. Hope to see you!

we're moving in early July! Gina, I hope to arrive just in time for the free pro-quality teeth cleaning phase.
I just realized that I sound like a real mooch, so I should point out that I will swap you a free autism eval for toof services if and when you procreate (and whether or not you actually ask for it- I carry my forehead stampers, both the "prefers people" and "prefers objects" models, everywhere).
Can I get one of those for Chris, before we procreate? I'll clean your choppers any time just to prove to him that he really "prefers objects."

BTW, sorry, after I asked I noted that you already said when you were moving... Sorry!

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