Wednesday, February 14, 2007
snow day '07
Hugsband and I enjoyed a snow day today. (technically, I don't get snow days, but if Hugsband is staying home all day, I am too! plus, I was on call last night and needed some extra rest today.) I should clarify, though. the precipitation wasn't quite snow. it was more like tiny painful ice cubes hurling through the air at 100mph. they didn't accumulate in an amorphous blob the way snow does, each cube remained distint. weird. we spent an hour and a half battling the elements in our neighborhood park and were rewarded with lots of good bird sightings: common and hooded mergansers, belted kingfishers, a young red-tail hawk, some unidentfied falcon (merlin?), and northern pintail ducks.
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not true, Jake. you just gotta know where to look.
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