Thursday, April 17, 2008

aquarium people suck

last night Hugsband told me, “you know new girl Jen at work? today she wore a t-shirt that said ‘gay? fine by me’.” I laughed aloud for several minutes. I was walking down the street by myself this morning, thought of it again, and burst out laughing. I mean, seriously, how foolish is that?

I suggested that Hugsband make her some more t-shirts so that she can announce her feelings about other groups.
‘black? I’m down with that.’
‘mexican? burritos are awesome.’
‘luthern? you make me uncomfortable.’

I also found it funny to imagine reactions she could get from gay people on the street. like, “oh my god, thank you so much! I have been waiting my whole life for a privileged white girl from the midwest to legitimize my existence.”
“thank goodness! I was afraid that we couldn’t be BFF’s.”

the other reason aquarium people suck, besides this ridiculous t-shirt, is because some of them get to go to the caribbean for 10 days to snorkle and catch iguanas and they don't even bring their wives. and they act like it's work and get paid for it and have to take days off when they get back, like, 'OMG, I worked so hard at my super challenging job and I even got a little sunburnt, so I am going to take 2 days off to recover.' duh.

Hey, not all Lutherans are bad.

And like I said on Sunday, call me if you get bored.
this is a super-funny post! i laughed A LOT here at work!
Made me laugh out loud... I take it Jason's not going to the Caribbean? You'd make him take you, right? Ilona
oh no, he's going. that's why I am so annoyed. they're staying in a tiny boat and hopping from island to island, so I can't go.
I think it is kind of funny how you are complaining about someone's lack of work ethic when you spent your whole day writing this post and making comments about the long-gone restaurants of Bradley on flickr.

Speaking of Lutherans, today I went to the last day of class for these grad students. They each had to give a presentation of their work and do a little artist talk. AS you'd imagine most of them were pretty uncomfortable about the whole thing but it went alright. The last woman however, talked for a really long time about her divorce, her breast cancer and how Jesus is so important to her. I don't know if she was Lutheran or not. She showed a lot of slides of pictures that looked like she wished she could paint, but only a couple of her own (which were in someway all Jesus related.) I was dying to get out of there, but I already ate their gingerbread cookies and drank their apple juice. Another woman in the class, (Whose presentation was last week and therefore missed by me)had a huge stack of Chick Tracts on the floor beside her. I've been finding a lot of those little creepy comics lying around, picking them up and throwing them in the garbage before anyone else has to see them. Most of the ones I find are in the men's room however, so she must has an accomplice. One time I saw a fake five dollar bill on the ground. I assumed it would have some threatening bible verse on the back side, but when I picked it up I found out that it really just had the Lincoln memorial on the back like a real five. I don't know what it was about, but I threw it away just in case.

I also wanted to tell you about the time I went to the new Walmart's grand opening. There was a guy walking around wearing a Chester the Cheetah costume. The woman walking in the door in front of me got out her cell phone and excitedly told whoever was on the other end of the line. "You've got to get over here! They got a giant Cheetos here!" I wanted to tell you about that in person because it makes me happy to talk about it.

P.S. I hate nerds and I love to party.
That's outrageous! Can't you tag along?
I meant to say that this post was awesome, btw. You know, you commented on our blog, then I felt bad about never having commented on this one. I'm a reader, not a commenter. :-)
I don't keep track, G. no need to post out of guilt. the only reason to read my blog is for the occasional awesome comments from Chris Clark.
Ahem...I make awesome comments as well. At least I like to think they're awesome.

I could top Chris Clark's posts. But it would take a lot of time and work. I don't have either right now.
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