Sunday, July 20, 2008

introducing... SHIM SHAM!

I have been MIA because I have been trying to keep a secret... something I am not very good at.

Hugsband and I are having a baby, due february 3. when we started out our lives together over 12 years ago, we weren't sure that we'd ever want to have a kid. and yet here we are-- more excited than we've ever been about anything in our lives. sure, the nausea and fatigue suck, but I have never had such a cool thing to plan for!

here's Shim Sham's very first picture. taken this very afternoon:

I realize that this picture is one big blob, but you'll have to take my word for it that (s)he looks like (s)he's supposed to.

That is fantastic! Congratulations to you both!
Kick ass! Welcome to the club, Rachel! We're due late September/early October. And my brother Jason (who I think you'd remember from the McD days) is having his first in November.

C Witt
Shim Sham couldn't be cuter. I'm so happy for you and Jason. You two are going to make AWESOME parents!!! Congratulations!! I hope you begin to feel a little better soon :-)
Upon further review of baby's first ultrasound photo, it looks like he/she is spitting some kind of mist/liquid into the upper portion of your womb.

For those of you not in the know, Rachel has spent a good portion of her life looking after me and helping me get through some hard times.

If she can deal with demon spawn like me, then dealing with Shim Sham will be a piece of cake. I can cry/complain a lot louder and better than any newborn can. I ain't boastin. I can back it up.

But yeah, Rachel and Hugsband will do a fine job as Mom and Dad. That goes without saying.

Love you, cuz.
YEAHHH!! I need to check up more often, huh? Well, C-Dub told me the good news. I can't wait for Shim-Sham to meet Satchmo (that's the baby's nickname as of today, which replaced "Peanut" when he or she displayed huge cheeks and lips on the ultrasound.)

We gotta get together, girl!

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